Luxembourg's latest employment figures show a slight decrease in the number of job seekers from February to March, although there's an uptick in unemployment among highly qualified individuals and those aged 45 and above. The overall unemployment rate remains steady at 5.6%.

As of 31 March 2024, Luxembourg had 17,654 residents registered as job seekers with the Employment Development Agency (ADEM), marking an increase of 15.1% from the previous year.

In February there were 18,166 registrations. Adjusted for seasonal variations, the national statistics agency Statec calculated the employment rate at 5.6%.

Despite this, there's been a rise in new registrations, with 2,731 residents joining ADEM in March alone, an 8% increase compared to March 2023. Notably, among these new registrations are 62 beneficiaries of temporary protection, refugees from Ukraine, as specified by ADEM.

Job seekers across all sectors are on the rise, particularly among those with higher education and individuals aged 45 and over. In terms of professions, significant increases are seen in construction, industry, finance, real estate, secretarial roles, assistance, accounting, and IT.

The number of resident job seekers receiving full unemployment benefits increased by 24.5% over the year, reaching 10,073 by March this year.

However, there's been a decrease in the number of vacant positions reported by employers to ADEM, with 3,133 vacancies declared in March, down by 20.4% compared to March 2023. The total number of available positions by the end of March stood at 7,595, a decline of 26.7% over the year.


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